2007年12月12日 星期三

整理中~Countess Elizabeth Bathory


女伯爵Elizabeth Bathory(1560-1614),以駭人聽聞的血腥事蹟震撼匈牙利的伯爵夫人,其中尤其以刑具鐵處女榨女性鮮血沐浴罪叫人毛骨聳然,受害人數達612人(取自伊麗莎白的日誌紀錄)。

女伯爵Elizabeth Bathory 通常以她的匈牙利Erzsebet名字被提起,是一個匈牙利的貴族女性,出生在一個匈牙利最富有也最有影響力的家庭。就象那個時候歐洲大部分的貴族王朝一樣,她的家族也被由近親通婚導致的精神病所困擾。波蘭的King Stephan算是她的一個比較有名的親戚了,而她還有一位虐待成性的擁有雙重性別的姑媽和一個精神分裂的叔叔。因此,Elizabeth從4歲開始就突發癲癇症也不是什麼奇怪的事。她從小就被寵壞了,一群女家庭教師圍者她,滿足她所有的需要。雖然受到她的突發症和冷僻性格的影響,Elizabeth還是被認為是一個聰明能幹的年輕女性,她受過良好教育並且智力出眾甚至超過她同時代的某些男士,她能讀和寫用四種語言且對科學和天文學感興趣,而特蘭西瓦尼亞的執政王也不過就識得幾個大字罷了。

1560年:Elizabeth Bathory(Erzsébet Báthory)生於1560年8月7日,出生於匈牙利的Nyírbátor 一個最古老富有的家族裏,父母喬治(Baron George Bathory)與安娜(Anna Bathory)就是堂兄妹關係,而父親在伊麗莎白十歲時就去世了。她出生的Bathory家族在東歐的匈牙利是當地極具權勢的貴族之一,但是這樣的家族,除了"盛產"Transylvania 的親王和波蘭國王(Stephan Bathory,Istvan Bathory-他是特蘭西瓦尼亞王子並在1575-86年是波蘭國王,因癲癇死亡),還包括一個紅衣主教、一些王子、還有一個擔任匈牙利首相職務的表兄;亦因防血脈分散而近親結婚的惡習,使得家族成員許多不良因子都遺傳下來,其中甚至有著惡魔崇拜、色情狂、狂暴殘忍等心理疾病,例如:膜拜撒旦者(她的一位叔父)、虐待女僕的女同性戀(她的姨媽Klara )酗酒者與好色之徒(她的兄弟Stephan)這樣的人也比比皆是,據說家族中有不少人因精神疾病自殺。

出身這樣一個豪門的 Elizebeth,據說在 4、5 歲的時候就表現出有暴力傾向,這可能是由於癲癇病或其它神經系統疾病造成的,並且可能和她晚些時候的精神錯亂行為有關。在她年幼時期,曾經目擊了一次對一個背叛的吉普塞人的處刑過程,那個可憐的吉普塞人被塞進一頭被活活剖開的馬的腹部並且被縫在了裏面。這次處刑是公開展示的(為了討取到場的貴族們的愉悅)。在劊子手的臉上並沒有浮現出絲毫對受刑者之死的同情和憐憫,這次事件讓Elizabeth明白了一件事-正是這件事使她殘忍的個性開始萌芽:殺一個平民根本無須受罰和擔心受到報復。

1571年:在11歲那年,她就與男爵Ferencz Nadasdy訂婚。在結婚之前,依照當時習俗,年幼的Elizebeth要先到婆家居住並接受教育,因為是軍人世家的緣故,Ferencz之母─女伯爵夫人Ursula Nadasdy 對伊麗莎白極其嚴格,她就這樣在城堡中度過苦悶的童年。
**傳聞:Ursula 不但管教非常嚴厲,而且嘮叨。第一眼見到這位任性的少女時,就非常討厭她。沉默的Elizabeth 在鄉下的古堡中,過著孤獨的、陰鬱的生活。無聊的Elizabeth平時就收集珠寶或研究奇奇怪怪的魔法咒術,最大的娛樂可能是欣賞自己的美貌,Elizabeth 極其希望每個見到她的人都稱讚她的美麗,包括自己根本不愛的丈夫。

1574年:傳聞14歲時,她在她未來的岳母(女伯爵夫人Ursula Nadasdy)的城堡中與一名農民的兒子生下了一個嬰兒。

1575年:5月8日,時年15歲,Elizabeth 依婚約和男爵成親,舉行盛大豪華的婚禮,婚後兩人搬到了斯洛伐克的 Cachtice Castle 居住,城堡建在一座丘陵頂上,位於喀爾巴阡山(Carpates)的匈牙利山區,然而丈夫Fernencz Nadasdy伯爵忙於軍旅而經常不在城裡。當時26歲的Fernencz Nadasdy伯爵,是個很有聲望卻因為其殘酷的本性而被冠以“匈牙利黑色英雄”之名的戰場英雄。這樣一場婚姻在當時的貴族圈中一點也不希奇,完全是她那秉承機會主義的母親所導演的一場政治聯姻。而Nadasdy家族也因此提高了不少社會地位-Bathory家族因其資歷而有著更大的權利,Elizabeth 保留了她的姓,她的丈夫也改姓了Ferencz Bathory。雖然對這場婚姻有諸多的猜測,但是Fernencz的經常外出確實一個不爭的事實。在他們結婚的頭幾年,Elizabeth並沒有生育,也就是在這長時間的孤獨中Elizabeth的虐待狂天性開始佔據統治地位。

Elizabeth 婚後不久便開始為偏頭痛的毛病所困擾,便將脾氣都發洩在侍女身上。一旦侍女犯了小差錯,伊麗莎白就藉機虐待她們,例如用燒紅的鐵棒燙其體膚、用針刺札等等……而Elizabeth 覺得一聽到她們的哀號,自己的頭痛就會消失!用木棒毆打女僕是"最輕的懲罰".根據報告,她經常"用針刺穿那些女孩的上下唇...刺她們的肉體...刺入指甲中".一個"嚴厲的懲罰"是把女孩拖到雪地裏用冷水澆她們,直到被凍死.

在丈夫上戰場期間,Elizabeth 拜訪了和她同樣有同性戀嗜好的姑媽,伯爵夫人Karla Bathory(一位眾所周知的雙性戀者),財富和強權使Klara有足夠的女孩供她"娛樂"。Elizabeth非常喜歡這種娛樂,便頻繁地拜訪她姨媽的住處。但當她們的狂歡被下令取締後,Elizabeth才真正的意識到她內心中所需要的是何種刺激。折磨擁有成熟胸部的女孩使她得到了巨大的快感,而她不只滿足於肉體上所得到的快感,對黑色魔法的研究也是她的愛好之一。Thorko,一個城堡中的男僕,開始慫恿Elizabeth 學習如何使用魔法,Elizabeth加入了一個秘密宗教組織學習巫術。

在Elizabeth寫給丈夫Ferencz 的信中她提到:「Thorko教會了我做一種相當有趣的事情,用白色的籐條抽打一隻黑色的母雞直到它死去,然後用它的血塗抹在你所要對付的敵人身上,如果你沒有機會塗抹在他們身上,可以塗抹在他們的外衣上。」

Elizebeth 還曾與一個「神秘的陌生人」私奔過,不過當她回心轉意回到城堡時,伯爵原諒了她。

**無法查證的說法:傳聞Elizabeth和一個全身金屬外殼人一起出入城堡時,村中人開始相信那個有著一雙黑暗的眼睛和參差不齊的牙齒的人就是Dracula 本人,他已經降臨到了Csejthe城堡。而且一些人曾經看見Elizabeth嘴邊出現了血跡。然而不久後那個神秘的陌生人又返回了墳墓,而Elizabeth似乎已經承受不了一個人的孤獨。當她的丈夫Ferencz 男爵返回城堡卻出奇地原諒了妻子的不忠行為。
=>Vlad Tepes Dracula,1431年生於今羅馬尼亞的西基刷剌(Sighisoara)城。(~這傳聞見鬼的扯~~傳說和神話這是這樣搞來的啦??!!)

1580年:在Elizabeth 二十出頭的時候,可能是出於無聊,慢慢發現了折磨僕人所給她"帶來的快感",沒有任何證據說明為什麼她對於他人的痛苦有著如此大的快樂,但是不可否認的事實證明她確實非常消受。在她的那些女僕人中,她所鎖定的目標是那些青春期的少女。她先是用燒的發紅的鉗子把她們的身體撕裂,把她們放在火上烤,或是用一種叫“Star-kicking" 的刑法來折磨她們(用沾滿油的紙條夾在受刑者的腳趾間,然後點火,而Elizabeth本人則在旁邊觀賞受刑者痛苦的嘗試踢走那些火星)她也曾經把那些女孩的頭撕成兩半(就是用工具把她們的嘴硬撬開,不斷擴大角度直到她們折斷頸部而死),在她不那麼變態的日子裏,她只是強迫那些女僕們赤身裸體的在成群的男人面前做家務活。

由於城堡的高不可攀,Elizabeth 在僕人Thorko、奶媽Ilona Joo 、巫師Dorottya Szentes、Darvulia 與管家Jahannes Ujvary 的幫助慫恿下繼續墮落著,而Jahannes Ujvary 很快成為了女伯爵的頭號施刑人。

(19世紀畫家Itsvan Csok 的畫,表現了Elizabeth 參與折磨少女的情景,這些剛剛被擄來的不幸少女,遭到毒打、針刺,綁在身上的繩子緊得嵌進肉裏,然後被推倒在雪地上滾來滾去。)

Thorko (Ficzkó / Ujváry János):Arrived in 1594 and served the Countess as a manservant for 16 years. A dwarf who was said to be cruel and vicious.

"I don't know how many women, but I killed 37 girls; the Mistress had five of them buried in a hole, when the Palatine was in Presbourg; two others in a little garden, beneath the caves; two others in the church at Podolie, at night."

Tried and convicted January 1611. Death by beheading with a sword on January 7, 1611. His body was thrown into a fire along with the other accomplices.

Jó Ilona :Served the Countess originally as a wet nurse for the Nádasdy children. She lived with the Countess for 10 years.

"She did not know how many girls had been killed, but said there were a great many. She neither knew their names or where they came from; she had killed about 50 herself."

Tried and convicted January 1611. On January 7, 1611, she had her fingers torn off one by one with hot pincers. She fainted after the fourth had been removed and was promptly thrown into the bonfire.

Dorottya Szentes (Dorkó) :Had been with the Countess 5 years, originally serving Erzsébet's daughter Anna Nádasdy before her marriage.

"Dorkó cut the veins of the arms with scissors; there was so much blood that it was found necessary to throw cinders all around the Countess' bed, and the latter used to have to change her dress and cuffs."

Tried and convicted January 1611. On January 7, 1611, while awaiting her execution, she fainted at the site of Jó Ilona's torture and was thrown into the bonfire with her.

Kateline Beniezky (Katá) :Arrived in 1605 and served as the washerwoman. The most sympathetic of the bunch, she reportedly never actually killed anyone.

"Katá was good-hearted: if she beat the girls, it was against her will; she used secretly to bring food for the imprisoned girls to eat, at great risk to herself."

Tried in January 1611. On January 7, 1611, she was found innocent of murder and released.

Anna Darvulia :Known as "The Witch of the Forest," she came to Erzsébet after the death of Ferenc Nádasdy in 1604. She taught Erzébet about the powers of witchcraft.

"It was Darvulia who initiated Erzsébet into the cruellest joys, who taught her to watch people dying and the significance of doing so. The Countess, until then, driven by the pleasure of making her servants suffer and bleed, had provided herself with the excuse of punishing some fault or other committed by her victims. But now the blood spilled was spilled for the sake of blood and death executed for death's sake."

Anna died many years before the others were caught.

Erzá Majorova :After the death of Anna Darvulia, Erzá, a sorceress, became the appointed healer of the house, with her spells and concoctions. Erzá convinced Erzsébet to bathe in the blood of nobility instead of peasants.

"Those bloodbaths have been useless because it was the blood of simple country girls, of servant not really different from beasts of burden. It doesn't take on your body, what you need is blue blood."

It is unclear what became of Erzá.

Kardoska :An old drunk woman who helped gather girls for Erzsébet. It is unclear what became of Kardoska.

隨著她的年齡不斷增長,她對那些無辜的年輕女性的血肉的渴望愈發強烈,在城堡中Elizabeth 瘋狂地監禁了很多體態豐滿的女性奴僕,並在一個稱為「尊貴夫人的刑室」的地方對那些女僕施加各種她自創的酷刑,而借口是因為他們沒有完成一些瑣碎而沒有必要的工作。


很快,Elizabeth 似乎又不滿足於這些折磨,她開始從那些被囚禁的人的脖子、臀部和肩膀上吸血,越來越多的血使Elizabeth 陷入一中半瘋狂的狀態,她繼續用剃刀,火把和她最常用的一個小銀鉗子折磨著這些可憐的人。其實Elizabeth 自身擁有著驚世的美貌,她有一頭烏黑的長法與她那張象牛奶一樣白的臉龐形成了鮮明的對比。她那琥玻般的眼睛射出了殘酷,形成了她那艷麗而又妖悒的身影。極度的虛榮和自戀使她的行為更加地扭曲。

1585 年到 1598 年的十三年裡,Elizebeth 相繼生了3個女兒Anastasia、Anna、Katalin與一個兒子Paul。從她寫給親戚們的信件來看,她是個賢妻良母,這與她對待奴僕的殘暴行為並不矛盾,因為貴族們對待他們親人和對待下等階層的僕人、農夫的態度往往有天壤之別。

在嘮叨的婆婆Ursula 過世,Elizabeth 如釋重負,高興地和丈夫Ferencz 前往維也納旅行。除了皇帝Rudolf II 稱讚她的美以及分享神秘學知識讓她很高興以外,參觀布拉格宮殿中收藏珍奇異品的「驚奇異寶陳列室」(Wunderkammer)似乎也對她造成了某些影響。(Rudolf II 招攬了許多煉金術士、占星與天文學家、自動機械製造家、藝術家、植物學家以及其他不同領域的專家,收集許多罕見的物品)。

**關於Ursula 的另一種說法:1600年,Ferencz 伯爵陣亡,Elizabeth 把深惡痛絕的婆婆趕出了城堡~不過貓貓也比較採信:Ursula 過世後Elizebeth 才和丈夫Ferencz 前往維也納旅行,至於他的丈夫死亡年份和原因也是眾說紛紜~例如:

??(1)1600 年Ferencz 伯爵戰死後,Elizebeth Bathory 伯爵夫人再也沒有顧忌了,在 Csejthe 的城堡裡狂熱地學習巫術。
??(2)1604年:Elizabeth 44歲,男爵Ferencz 死於中毒,而似乎他的死和巫術有關。
??(3)1604年1月男爵Ferencz 因傷口感染過世了,已不受任何人拘束的Elizabeth 不但過著荒淫的生活,還將她的殘暴行為變本加厲……
??(4)Her husband died in 1604 at the age of 49. 一般說法是因為戰爭或打鬥受傷致死,也有另外一種說法是被妓女謀殺,(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elizabeth_B%C3%A1thory#_note-Erzsfaq)
??(5)1604: Ferencz died of an undisclosed illness at the age of 49.
??(6)Other sources state that the age difference betwen them was 11 years instead of 5-6; also, other state that the count died in 1600 at age 51 and was killed in battle

1600年:Elizabeth 隨著時間的流逝,Elizabeth 也逐漸地衰老,於是她企圖以化妝品和昂貴的服飾來掩蓋自己失去青春後的容貌。但這樣依舊遮擋不住那日益增加的皺紋。據說她從此時起開始接觸某種形式的巫術,參加包括獻祭馬匹等其他動物的宗教儀式。40歲的Elizabeth 開始變得越來越虛榮,並且懼怕衰老會奪去她的美貌。一天一個女僕在為Elizabeth 梳頭時不小心拽了她的頭髮,暴怒的她發狂地抽打這位女僕耳光,鮮血從女僕的鼻子中噴了出來,飛濺到了Elizabeth的臉上。而當女伯爵在鏡子中觀看自己臉上被血濺到的地方時,奇跡出現了。被鮮血沾染過的皮膚逐漸退去了時間的痕跡,恢復了從前的靚麗。於是她大喜過望,並發現鮮血可以使她奪回失去的青春。她突然覺得自己因此而得到了她年輕女僕的青春和朝氣。她相信自己找到了永葆青春的秘訣。Elizabeth 命令她的管家和男僕剝光那女僕、割破她的皮膚把她的血放到一個大桶裏,而她自己就在其中洗澡來給自己全身進行美容。此後,Elizabeth 開始信仰一個遠古時的信條:他人的鮮血可以使一個人在身體和精神上都產生變化。於是在巫師的幫助下,Elizabeth開始綁架一些年輕貌美的處女,然後折磨她們並將她們的鮮血收集在一個大桶中,Elizabeth 就用處女的鮮血來沐浴自己,每當她從充滿鮮血的浴缸中出來時,青春的光輝似乎又回到了她的身上。

1600 - 1610:Elizabeth 的忠誠僕人們繼續為她的流血儀式和血浴提供新的女孩。至少在她的屠殺初期,Elizabeth曾不厭其煩的關照當地新教牧師將死去的女孩按照正統基督教儀式安葬。隨著屍體數的增多,牧師拒絕在這方面履行他的職責,因為從Elizabeth那裏送來的死因不明的女孩越來越多。Elizabeth於是威脅牧師不許他將自己的“癖好”說出去,同時繼續將屍體秘密下葬。在她馬拉松般的屠殺的末期,女伯爵開始變的草率。在後期,許多屍體被隨意的安葬在危險的易暴露的地方(田地旁、地窖旁等),或隨意將受害者屍體扔出城外讓野獸吞食,或者讓神父把受重傷的少女活埋。但是,對她的暴行所採取的直接行動一直沒有被施行,直到她已經把周圍城鎮所有的少女"耗盡",開始將魔爪伸向那些較低級的貴族婦女。

1600年:Elizabeth 40歲,她親愛的DARVULIA死了,她變得更加不顧後果。Elizabeth開始從下層貴族中挑選女孩,她建造了一個虛假的學校,欺騙那些貴族出身的少女來她的城堡並承諾對她們進行教育,事實上僅是為了把她們折磨至死...。因為她相信貴族女孩的血要比鄉下女孩的好。一個共犯證實:Elizabeth在臥室拷打那些赤裸的女孩,血流成河,她的僕人要用煤灰來鋪地才不致走滑。她讓粗壯的女僕將女孩帶到她的床邊,先去撕咬女孩的臉頰,把齒肉咬碎後,接著是肩膀,再接下來她繼續撕咬女孩的胸部...
**1600年 另一說法:Elizabeth的巫術師去世後,一位女魔法師使女伯爵的行為更加過分,她告訴Elizabeth如果要永駐青春,必須從擁有貴族血統的處女身上取得鮮血。於是Elizabeth又開始在擁有貴族血統的處女們的鮮血中沐浴,但她不可能再召回她那失去的青春。十年中,女伯爵的行為就像一個瘋狂的吸血鬼一般,殘忍地搾乾和折磨了將近650名少女。謠言開始迅速擴散,人們認為Elizabeth正在帶領著一個吸血鬼軍團掠奪著村莊中的少女。她相信巫術中喝血可保持青春的說法,就開始喝這些女孩的血,把處女的血液彙聚起來洗滌身體...

Andras Berthoni是Csejthe村路德教會的一名牧師,當Elizabeth命令他將那些被吸乾了血的屍體燒掉時,他意識到了事實的嚴重性,於是他將自己的懷疑和猜測在他去世前全部寫入了日記中。而Elizabeth這時已經是聲名狼藉,她的罪行也無法再掩蓋下去了。

1610年:終於一個即將受害的女孩逃跑並將在城堡裏發生的一切上告。匈牙利國王命令伊莉莎白的表兄-György Thurso 伯爵,該省的地方長官搜查伊莉莎白的城堡。為了尋找牧師Berthoni的日記,Elizabeth的堂兄,男爵Thurso在1610年的新年前夜來到了Csejthe城堡。1610年12月30日,他們率領士兵和騎兵包圍城堡的進行搜查,當時城堡裡還在進行著血腥殘酷的殺戮。

男爵Thurso、牧師Janos Ponikenusz成功地找到了Berthoni的日記本。同時,城堡中的一些人也發現了Elizabeth的地下刑室。在那裡,他們不僅看到了許多令人難以置信的被折磨得不成型的屍體和許多被虐待得奄奄一息的年輕女孩,在主房有個死去的女孩,血已流乾,另一個還活著的身上被刺了許多洞。在地牢裏他們發現了一些還活著的女孩,有人的身體被刺了許多次;而在城堡下面,他們掘出了大約50具女屍。


審判過程的完全抄本至今仍保存在匈牙利,他們被指控受到了吸血鬼的操縱而進行吸食人血、研究巫術和舉行異教的祭奠儀式。除了伯爵夫人和兩個女巫,所有曾經參與施刑的人都被斬首。由於Elizabeth的高貴身份,法律不允許對她實施死刑,而Ilona Joo和Dorottya Szentes則被拔去手指後施以火刑。法庭沒給Elizabeth定罪,但她在家裏被拘捕,她被宣判終生監禁並被關在自己曾施暴的屋子裏(Thurzo在1611年判她永遠不得踏出她自己的城堡一步),石匠堵上了屋子的門窗,只在上面留下送食物的小洞。城的四角高處,建了四個絞刑台,這是為了表示有應處死刑的人仍活著的標記。

Erzsébet's death tower rises above the ruins of Vár Erzsébet.

Erzsébet's tiny window, with space for but a single hand.

[These two photographs are Copyright © 1992, 1997 by Dennis Báthory-Kitsz. All rights reserved.]




1614年:八月十四日,看上去已憔悴不堪的Elizabeth Bathory,Transilvanian的嗜血女伯爵終於在痛苦中死去。一個獄卒想好好看看這位女伯爵,因為據說她當時仍是匈牙利最美麗的女人之一,在那個小洞裏瞥了一眼後,他發現她面朝下躺在地上,已經死了,她的屍體本應葬在Cachtice鎮教堂,但是當地居民對把這位聲名狼藉的女士葬在他們的土地上十分不滿,更別說還要葬在神聖的地方了。考慮到這些,以及她是Bathory家族最後一代的事實,她的遺體被葬在了匈牙利的東北部城鎮Ecsed,Bathory家族的領地上。

Family Ties

Notable Extended Family
Stephen Báthory (?-1586), King of Poland. Erzsébet's uncle. Died from epileptic complications.
Sigismund Báthory, King of Transylvania. Erzsébet's cousin. According to Valentine Penrose, "On the pretext that his wife was so repulsive to him he couldn't help screaming at night when he found himself at her side, he made a public announcement that he wished to renounce the world."
Gábor Báthory (Somlyo branch of Báthory family), King of Transylvania. Erzsébet's cousin. Had incestuous relations with his sister Anna. He was assassinated.
Gábor Báthory (Ecsed branch of Báthory family). Erzsébet's uncle. Claimed to have been possessed by the devil.
Klára Báthory. Erzsébet's aunt. She had four husbands and was said to have "gotten rid" of the first two. (She had her second husband smothered in his bed.) Erzsébet was said to have spent a lot of time with her and to have refined her cruel ways during her many visits.

Anna Báthory first married to Gáspár Dragfy, with whom she had two sons: János and Gyorgy. Gáspár died in 1545. Anna then took Antal Drugeth as her second husband, who died shortly after. in 1553, she married her cousin Gyorgy Báthory, Erzsébet's father, who died when Erzsébet was 10.

Siblings (Erzsébet was the 2nd child)
István Báthory married Frusina Drugeth. He was the last of the Báthory-Ecsed branch of the family.
Zsofiá Báthory married András Frigedyi.
Klara Báthory married Michaelis de Kisvardi.

Ferenc Nádasdy, Count of Nadasd (Oct. 6, 1555-Jan 4, 1604). Erzsébet had been engaged to Ferenc since 1571 (when she was 11 and he was 17). They married in 1573. Ferenc, known as "The Black Lord" and a feared warrior, was rarely at home. And when he returned from battle, didn't care to "be burdened" about any of Erzsébet's sadistic activities. "Indeed, it was Ferenc, who had always been afraid of Erzsébet. He adored his wife's beauty, but feared her young vampire pallor." - Valentine Penrose. In 1604, he died of an undisclosed illness at the age of 49. [Ed. note: other sources state that the age difference betwen them was 11 years instead of 5-6; also, other state that the count died in 1600 at age 51 and was killed in battle]

Pál Nádasdy, Count of Nadasd (?-?) was said to have pleaded for the release of his mother after her capture in 1611, and tried to clean the Báthory reputation. He married Judith Revay, with whom he had two children.
Andreas Nádasdy (?-?)
Anna Nádasdy (1585-1625) married Count Zrinski Nikola.
Katelin Nádasdy (?-1620) married Gyorgy Drugeth, Count of Homonna, who used to visit Erzsébet when she was sealed in her tower to bring her food. Erzsébet had passed her time writing on the walls of her tower, and her last entry had been regarding Katelin and her will.

Ferenc Nádasdy, Count of Nadasd, son of Pál. Married Anna Julia, Countess of Galantha.
Anna Maria Nádasdy, daughter of Pál.
Maria Drugeth, (?-1643) daughter of Katelin. Married Count Szechy Gyorgy.
Erzso Drugeth, daughter of Katelin. Married Laszlo Revay, Baron of Terboszto.
Janos Drugeth (?-1645), son of Katelin. Married Kata Jukassich.
Ferenc Nádasdy, son of Ferenc. Count of Nadasd.
Nicholas Nádasdy, son of Ferenc.
Pal Antal Nádasdy, son of Ferenc.
Laszlo Nádasdy, son of Ferenc. Bishop of Ganad.
Michael Nádasdy, son of Ferenc.
Tamas Nádasdy, son of Ferenc.
Elisabeth Christine Nádasdy, daughter of Ferenc.
Anna Teresia Nádasdy, daughter of Ferenc.
Maria Magdolna Nádasdy, daughter of Ferenc.
Orsolya Nádasdy, son of Ferenc.
Juliana Nádasdy, daughter of Ferenc.
Klara Revay, daughter of Erzso.
Ilona Revay, daughter of Erzso.
Laszlo Revay, son of Erzso.
Zsigmond Revay, son of Erzso.
Kata Drugeth, daughter of Janos.
Gregory Drugeth, son of Janos. Count of Homonna.


1560: Elizabeth Bathory is born into one of the oldest and wealthiest families in Transylvania. Her family had many powerful relatives -- a cardinal, princes, and a cousin who was prime minister of Hungary are among these relatives. The most famous relative was Istvan (ISHT-vahn) Bathory (1533-86). Istvan was prince of Transylvania and king of poland from 1575-86. It has been said that At around the age of 4 or 5, Elizabeth had violent seizures. These may have been caused by epilepsy or another neurological disorder and may have something to do with her "psychotic" behavior later in life.

1575: Age 15, Elizabeth married Count Ferenc (pronounced FAIR-entz) Nadasdy (NAW-dawzhd with silent y). The Count was 26 years of age. The count took Elizabeth's surname so that she could keep her name. They lived together in Castle Cséjthe (which in hungarian is pronounced CHAY-tuh). In Slovak this Castle is named Cachtice (pronounced CHAKH-teet-suh). [To this day there is rivalry between the Hungarians and the Slovak's and you will get a blank expression if you refer to the "wrong" name.] The count spent a great deal of time away from home fighting in wars and for this he was nicknamed "The Black Hero of Hungary". While her husband was away Elizabeth's manservant Thorko introduced her to the occult. For a brief time Elizabeth eloped with a "dark stranger". Upon her return to Castle Cachtice the count did forgive her for her leaving. Back at the castle, Elizabeth couldn't tolerate her domineering mother-in-law. With the help of her old nurse Ilona Joo, she began to torture the servant girls. Her other accomplices included the major-domo János Ujvary (pronounced YAH-nosh OOEE-vahr-yuh), Thorko, a forest witch named Darvula and a witch Dorottya Szentes. The first ten years of their marriage, Elizabeth bore no children because she and Ferenc shared so little time together as he pursued his "career." Then around 1585, Elizabeth bore a girl whom she named Anna, and over the following nine years gave birth to two more girls, Ursula and Katherina, and in 1598 bore her first and only son, Paul. Judging from letters she wrote to relatives, she was a good wife and protective mother, which was not surprising since nobles usually treated immediate family very differently from the lower servants and peasant classes.

1600: At age 51, Count Ferenc died in battle and thus began Elizabeth's period of atrocities. First, she sent her hated mother-in-law away from the Castle. By this time it is thought that she had dabbled into some forms of sorcery, attending rituals that included the sacrificing of horses and other animals. Elizabeth, now 40 years old, grew increasingly vain and she feared the thought of aging as she may lose her beauty. One day a servant girl accidentially pulled her hair while combing it. Elizabeth slapped the girl's hand so hard she drew blood. The girls blood fell into ELizabeth's hand and she immediately thought that her skin took on the freshness of her young maid. She believed that she had found the secret of eternal youth. Elizabeth had her major-domo and Thorko strip the maid and then cut her and drain her blood into a huge vat. Elizabeth bathed in it to beautify her entire body.

1600 - 1610: Elizabeth's henchmen continued to provided Elizabeth with new girls for the blood-draining ritual and her blood baths. Elizabeth went out of her way to see to it that the dead girls were given proper Christian burials by the local Protestant pastor, at least initially. As the body count rose, the pastor refused to perform his duties in this respect, because there were too many girls coming to him from Elizabeth who had died of "unknown and mysterious causes." She then threatened him in order to keep him from spreading the news of her "hobby" and continued to have the bodies buried secretly. Near the end, many bodies were disposed of in haphazard and dangerously conspicuous locations (like nearby fields, wheat silos, the stream running behind the castle, the kitchen vegetable garden, etc.). But one of her intended victims escaped and told the authorities about what was happening at Castle Cachtice. King Mátyás (MAHT-yash) of Hungary ordered Elizabeth's own cousin, Count György (pronounced DYERD-yuh) Thurzo, governor of the province to raid the castle. On December 30, 1610 they raided the castle and they were horrified by the terrible sights. One dead girl in the main room, drained of blood and another alive whose body had been pierced with holes. In the dungeon they discoverd several living girls, some of whose bodies had been pierced several times. Below the castle, they exhumed the bodies of some 50 girls.

1611: A trial was held at Bitcse. Elizabeth, who refused to plead either guilty or innocent, and never appeared in the trial.. At this trial Johannes Ujvary, major-domo, testified that about 37 unmarried girls has been killed, six of whom he had personally recruited to work at the castle. The trial revealed that most of the girls were tortured for weeks or even months. They were cut with scissors, pricked with pins, even prodded with burning irons onto short spikes in a cage hung from the ceiling to provide Bathory with a "blood shower". Sometimes the two witches tortured these girls, or the Countess did it herself. Elizabeth's old nurse testified that about 40 girls had been tortured and killed. In fact, Elizabeth killed 612 women -- and in her diary, she documented their deaths. A complete transcript of the trial was made at the time and it survices today in Hungary. Of the people involved in these killings, all but Countess Bathory and the two witches were beheaded and cremated. Due to her nobility, Elizabeth was not allowed by law to be executed. The tow accomplices had their fingers torn out and were burned alive. The court never convicted Countess Elizabeth of any crime, however she was put under house arrest. She was sentenced to life imprisonment in her torture chamber and stonemasons were brought to wall up the windows and doors of the with the Countess inside. They left a small hole through which food could be passed. King Mátyás II demanded the death penalty for Elizabeth but because of her cousin, the prime minister, he agreed to an indefinitely delayed sentence, which really meant solitary confinement for life.

1614: On July 31 Elizabeth (age 54) dictated her last will and testament to two cathedral priests from the Esztergom bishopric. She wished that what remained of her family holdings be divided up equally among her children, her son Paul and his descendants were the basic inheritors though. Late in August of the year 1614 one of the countess's jailers wanted to get a good look at her, since she was still reputedly one of the most beautiful women in Hungary. Peeking through the small aperture in her walled-up cell, he saw her lying face down on the floor. Countess Elizabeth Bathory was dead. Her body was intended to be buried in the church in the town of Cachtice, but the grumbling of local inhabitants found abhorrent the idea of having the "infamous Lady" placed in their town, on hallowed ground no less! Considering this, and the fact that she was "one of the last of the descendants of the Ecsed line of the Bathory family", her body was placed to the northeastern Hungarian town of Ecsed, the original Bathory family seat.

6 意見:

黑貓中隊長 提到...



在天坑碎碎唸的貓 提到...

一一!! 還好我是內勤的貓,剛回到單位接下毒品危害防制的業務~很不能適應"個案"的灰暗人性(貪、謊...),所以整理更黑暗的東西讓我自己覺得~我服務的對象還有希望^^!!

黑貓中隊長 提到...



在天坑碎碎唸的貓 提到...

(做人果然要積極迎向陽光~大哥 我錯了~請您也樂觀一點吧)

黑貓中隊長 提到...



在天坑碎碎唸的貓 提到...
